Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Don'ts of Dating

most girls are aware of that dreaded first date, the awkward silences, the grilling questions and the complete make-over you give yourself in a desperate attempt to make him love you! There are certain, faux pas, let's say that you shouldn't for take in when it comes to that date of dread. 

1) Don't order a salad. 

Don't be that girl on a first date that has a Caesar salad with a glass of water. Let yourself go a bit, so you're a bit of a health freak, he doesn't need to know that just yet so order a pizza and leave the crusts, you're cutting out the majority of the carbs and you're not being a complete snooze festival. 

2) Don't order the messiest thing on the menu.

The other end of the food scale, the greasiest, fattiest, messiest thing on the entire menu, guaranteed to end up down your brand new dress and partially on your face. No-one and I mean nobody is sexy when gorging on food bigger than their face, with their mouth full, trying to explain their undying love for their pet dog. Just keep it simple. 

3) Don't get shit faced. 

4 bottles of wine later and you're puking on the street whilst sat on a curb, your dressed hitched up to your waist and the evening has taken a turn for the worse. Sobbing into your date's shoulder and telling him all about your ex isn't going to bag you that second date I'm afraid. 

4) Don't lie to him. 

Yeah, stretch the truth from time to time sure, but telling him you're a world renowned fashion model who won mastermind and lives in Bora Bora isn't quite the same thing. He'll brush you off faster than you can walk the catwalk. 

5) Actually speak 

An embarrassed nod and stupid giggle isn't going to create intense conversation. If he asks a questions a response bigger than a nod is expected in return. If your shy, Dutch courage will sort that right out for you, a vodka or 2 will get you going on like a right chatterbox. It will put him at ease as well, when he gets a word in edgeways that is. 

6) Laugh at his Jokes

Chuckle, giggle, cry with laughter if it's that funny but don't over do it. Don't be that girl that giggles when he asks "how was the food?" It's not funny, not now, not ever so leave the laughter till the actual jokes appear! 

7) Don't be too forward

By this, I mean...Don't fuck on the first date. Don't jump straight into bed with him, easy is as easy does! He got what he wanted so do not be surprised if he says he call and he doesn't. Wait a while and his respect will grow, cliche I know but respect isn't made in the bedroom. 

8) Don't Dress like a slag

This fits in with number 7! Dress like a massive whore and he will treat you as one! Legs, boobs and bum shouldn't all be flaunted when your being wined and dined at a posh restaurant! stay clear off low cut, Primark numbers and take a look at VB's insta. 

9) Don't mention your EX! 

"Me and my ex used to come here all the time, we loved it" 
"My ex used to call me that"
"My old boyfriend has that top"

are all inappropriate, unless you want to sound like your still in love with the air headed knob who cheated on you! It might be a funny anecdote for the pair of you when you've been together a while but for now, keep it quiet. 

10) Don't pretend!

Just be yourself, if he likes you great, if not...well, onto the next! if you lie eventually he'll discover you're not all that and dump you so cut the crap! 

If you follow these "Don't of dating" then you'll be going on a lot less date, although these aren't exactly tried and tested...quick disclaimer 

Truth B Told 


  1. Straight to the point, I love it. I have to admit, I would probably be guilty of Number 9) so perhaps I should wait before I start dating again :P

    - Lubna

