Wednesday, 14 January 2015

So 2014

There are certain fashion trends and beauty trends that should remain firmly in 2014, things like the below should be strictly banned and prohibited under any circumstances! I'm not 100% sure where half these trends come from but put it in a magazine and most people, including myself will buy it, ugly or not! Let's just make sure we don't fall victim to the following faux pas in 2015 eh.

I love flats, and I love platforms but the combination of the two is like going outside with your lovely done up locks with the typical English weather, a complete disaster. Nobody, and I mean nobody cares that your not that extra 3 inches taller. This was a poor attempt of bringing back the 90's and unfortunately, they should of been left and buried there.

Mullet dresses
They started off cool and quirky but now every brand on the local market has them in stock! "Business in the front, party in the back" that motto was coined by Billy Ray Cyrus and even he has given up on his trusty mullet, maybe it's time we threw in the gauntlet too! 

Bug Brows
You know the type of eyebrow I'm talking about! The eyebrows that don't match the hair colour, filled in like a colouring book and so large they literally struggle to fit on that poor persons face. Just YouTube Eyebrow tutorial and be done with it, please, for the good of mankind! 

Geek T's
You failed your GCSE's yet your still sporting a very ironic "GEEK" Tshirt, topshop started this phase and it was quickly followed by the "NERDY" and "LOSER" copies which made me want to rip my own eyes out of my head. 

It's not the 90's any more i'm afraid, throw them in the back of the wardrobe along with your spice girls albums and flatforms. Can we just all agree not to wear these in 2015, I'm not sure I can handle seeing them anymore...

If there is any more fashion trends you think should be thrown in the sinking ship that is 2014, comment below. I could of continued for hours but I'm just frustrating myself! I'm going for a clear out, send help! 

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post, thanks for sharing! <3

    I have a new outfit post on the blog, would love to know your thoughts:

    * Electric Sunrise - Fashion and Lifestyle Blog *

