We all know that feeling, pay day is one week away and your know checking your bank account will only end in disaster. £0.20p for a week just isn't going to cut the mustard, but hey your wearing your new Topshop pants that cost you a 1/3 of your wage, silver linings? We could all use a little advice on how to get from a to b without over spending too much, here are some tips which I stick to to help save some mula, well, until I see a River Island Sale that is!
1) Do a big Shop
Go to the supermarket and get all your food that you will think you need that month, or week if you prefer doing it that way. It works out quite expensive initially but ask yourself this, how much are you paying for that lunch time meal at work? On average people spend £5 at lunch time on drinks and sandwiches, 5 days a week, 4 weeks a month, £100! That's £100 on sandwiches a month, not ok, then you have the other 2 meals a-day to factor in plus snacks and anything else you need.
2) Do you need it ?
Do you really need that Iphone charger that glows in the dark or that personalised glass coke bottle that says your full name, if the answer is probably not, then just put the crap down and walk away
3) Cost to usage ratio
How much it cost over how much use you will get out of it, it's simple maths really. The winter coat for £100 divided by the amount of times you will wear it on average, say once a day for 100 days of winter, it works out £1 a day, essentially a bargain. On the other hand them heels that are so gorgeous but extremely painful, retailing at £60 that you will inevitably wear once and shove the back of your wardrobe, not so much.
4) Withdraw your money
Seeing the money and not having it on card helps me more than anything. I'm very tight fisted when it comes to cash however my credit card is like fake money that I never have to see so I can spend to my hears content.
5) Set A Goal
That dream dress, shoes, house, flat...for me holiday! With that holiday in mind I set aside a certain amount each month which I cannot spend! Dreaming of that holiday keeps me motivated, think, bikini body but with money. I give it to my mum so I know full well I can't spend it, but you could open other bank accounts and cut up the card so your not tempted but keep that dream in mind when paying for that over priced pair of pants that you just don't need.
6) Take someone shopping with you
If you take someone shopping with you, whether to the supermarket or shopping centre just tell them to be brutally honest. "No, you don't that" is the infamous catchphrase and you may hate them at the time but when your £100 up at the end of the month you'll thank them
7) Make a list
In the previous month write down everything you run out of, dry shampoo, foundation, carrots, whatever is it, jot it down. When pay day comes stick the the list at all costs, you'll get everything you need, your shopping fix and not buy anything that is completely unnecessary. Best of both worlds.
I hope this helps people in their bid to save money, it certainly gets me on the way but if anyone else has any other tips or tricks to saving money please comment and let me know. Good luck